The Brim-DeForest
Early Career Fellowship
In the furtherance of its aims, the Heraldic Institute awards Early Career Fellowships to people of all ages who have been pursuing an aspect of heraldic art and science for less than ten years and who demonstrate significant promise in an area of the field of heraldry, commensurate with their career stage. The aim of the Institute is to foster talented individuals who intend to spend a great proportion of their future professional or free time with the subject of heraldry. The Institute will do so primarily by offering mentorship. The successful candidate will be selected in reference to their ability to make a positive and dynamic contribution to heraldry in general and the Institute in particular. The individual can be an heraldic artist, researcher or otherwise engaged in heraldry or a closely related subject. The appointment is made once every three years and lasts for three years, in which period the successful candidate is expected to develop their heraldic work sufficiently to qualify for a full Fellowship of the Institute.
The Early Career Fellowships are named after the family of the entrepreneur, philanthropist and Hon. Fellow of the Institute, Brady Brim-DeForest of Balvaird Castle, Baron of Balvaird MStJ., who has generously supported not just the Institute and this Early Career initiative, but also many heraldic and other charitable projects. The Institute is very grateful to him for his ongoing support.

Brim-DeForest Early Career Fellows will enjoy all the rights and privileges of full Fellows for the period of their tenure. In particular they are encouraged to use the resources of the Institute, including the opportunity for mentorship from within the Fellowship. Early Career Fellows are, however, not full Fellows of the Institute and may not use or display the Fellows’ badge. Instead, they will use a suitable iteration of the Institute’s badge with the legend “Heraldic Institute Brim-DeForest Early Career Fellow” which they can use on their publicity materials.
Thanks to a generous benefaction the Brim-DeForest Early Career Fellows will be awarded a one-off prize of 1.000 USD.
Current Scholars
Mathilde Årnfelt Ramström, an Heraldic Artist from Sweden, find out more about her here
Ethan L. MacDonald, an Heraldic Researcher and Designer, current President of the American Heraldry Society
Application process
The next round of applications will open from 6 December 2026, for an appointment made 10 June 2027. Closing date is 10 May 2027.
The application should include:
1) A Curriculum Vitae, including rough date of begin of heraldic work (one to two pages)
2) A letter stating the suitability for the post, mentioning plans for future development (one page)
3) A reference letter (one page)
4) A sample of the heraldic work, either artistic, written, research, presentation etc. (one to three examples accepted)
These must be posted to:
Mr M. Borth (Registrar), Scheffelstrasse 31, 79102 Freiburg, Germany.
Or sent as a single PDF file to: director@heraldicinstitute.com
Applications will not be returned or commented upon.
Successful applicants will be notified and published.
Should no suitable candidate be found, the appointment will roll over into the next year.
Successful applicants will be expected to send an annual report to the Board of the Institute (due 10 June each year), detailing their activity for each year they hold the Fellowship.
A full Fellowship will not automatically be awarded at the end of the period of the Early Career Fellowship and election is subject to the same criteria as any other application to Fellowship.