David Robert Wooten

David Robert Wooten earned his degree in Ancient Near Eastern History at North Carolina State University. Before launching his business career, he worked in the North Carolina State Archives and has remained interested in history and heraldry throughout his life. He currently serves as the Executive Director of The American College of Heraldry, the Editor/Publisher of the College’s quarterly, The Armiger’s News, as well as being a Distinguished Fellow and Head of the Board of Governors. He is the author of numerous titles, including We All Become Forefathers (1993) and has served as Specialist Editor (Heraldry) for The New Oxford Dictionary of American English (Oxford University Press, 2001) and An Introduction to the History and Principles of Heraldry (published only inside of Iran, 2015). He is the Editor/Author of The Golden Anniversary Edition of the Heraldic Register of America, Series II, Volume 1 (2022), and The Armigers News Omnibus 2011-2020 (2022). He also served as the original Assistant Editor of American Heraldry in Color in 2002 and is the Editor of the 2022 publication American Heraldry in Color Redux - Twentieth Anniversary Reissue (2022).