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The Rev'd Sebastian Hamilton

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Father Sebastian is the Rector of the Church of England Parishes of Sandwich and Worth, Kent, England.


Following his calling to the priesthood he studied theology at the College of the Resurrection, Mirfield, Yorkshire. He was Assistant Curate at Tewkesbury Abbey, and then Curate-in-charge of St Stephen’s, Tivoli, in Cheltenham, followed by ministry in the newly formed Severn Wye Ministry Area before becoming Rector in Sandwich and Worth. Fr Sebastian is passionate about beautiful worship, celebrating the English Choral Tradition, making Churches accessible to new believers without sacrificing integrity and depth, and getting out into the communities. He believes parish churches have a unique ability to be a uniting force in their local areas, drawing together people and groups.


Fr Sebastian has a passing interest in heraldry. However, he has offered invaluable moral support in the foundation and running of the Institute and has thus been honoured with the status of Companion-Fellow.


The Institute is non-sectarian.

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The Heraldic Institute e. V. is a registered association (VR 704403) with

charitable status under German law



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